all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 8LA 6 1 53.420908 -2.781049
L35 8LB 22 1 53.420354 -2.779249
L35 8LD 17 8 53.419037 -2.775809
L35 8LE 39 0 53.419961 -2.774667
L35 8LF 12 0 53.421399 -2.773279
L35 8LG 16 0 53.419406 -2.774371
L35 8LH 14 0 53.418438 -2.773962
L35 8LJ 40 0 53.41901 -2.773025
L35 8LL 34 0 53.419737 -2.773143
L35 8LN 34 0 53.422203 -2.781013
L35 8LP 28 0 53.420341 -2.772913
L35 8LQ 26 0 53.420788 -2.773313
L35 8LR 28 0 53.421026 -2.772233
L35 8LS 20 0 53.420291 -2.775109
L35 8LT 28 0 53.419571 -2.773561
L35 8LU 24 0 53.418824 -2.773954
L35 8LW 22 0 53.421818 -2.780705
L35 8LX 20 0 53.419813 -2.776756
L35 8LY 14 1 53.421956 -2.780301
L35 8LZ 23 0 53.421834 -2.779697